Warehouse Control Systems Leader QC Software Reviewed in Modern Materials Handling
Released on: July 28, 2008, 7:51 am
Press Release Author: Thomas R. Cutler
Industry: Software
Press Release Summary: Warehouse Control Systems Leader QC Software Reviewed in Modern Materials Handling
Press Release Body: Take a company in the direct-selling industry whose products are sold by consultants to consumers in their homes. \"Consultants not only need all the items they have ordered, but they need an order sheet for each of the consultant\'s customers, says Jerry List, vice president of QC Software (www.qcsoftware.com). What\'s more, List adds, each order may require additional documentation, like certificates of authenticity or warranties. \"A lot of that personalization happens at the pack out station,\" says List.
Customer requirement: Value-added services are addressed in the July issue of Modern Materials Handling. According to Bob Trebilcock, Editor at Large, for companies selling directly to consumers, the ability to personalize products before shipment is a differentiator.
The solution: A warehouse control system. One of QC Software\'s direct-selling customers created two packing lines: One for small orders that can be quickly packed out without creating bottlenecks and another for larger orders requiring additional documentation. \"In this case, orders come down to the warehouse control system,\" List says. \"It knows from the WMS where inventory is located, and dynamically determines the best picks to balance the workload on the line in real-time.\"
Once items have been picked to cartons, the WCS sorts them to a packing station. There, a bar code label on the carton is automatically scanned, which generates a list of value-added items for the operator to add to the carton. \"Often, those items may be in a pick-to-light area, which directs the picking process,\" List adds. Once the documentation has been added to the carton, it\'s sealed and sorted to the shipping area, where compliant labeling and any shipping labels are applied.
A company that could benefit from a WCS tends to have the following characteristics:
In excess of $50 million in sales Warehouse of 100,000 sq. ft. or greater Conveyor system with multiple sortation points Multiple \"islands\" of material handling equipment More than an average of three stock-keeping units (SKUs) per order Greater than 1,000 orders per day
QC Software is the leading provider of Tier 1 warehouse control systems to the warehousing and distribution industries. Since 1996, QC Software, utilizing state of the art technology combined with extensive research, development, and rigorous testing, has developed the QC Enterprise suite of products. Designed to be modular in nature, easily configurable, and platform independent, this highly scalable solution satisfies the needs of any size warehouse.
QC Software, Inc. www.qcsoftware.com Jerry List JerryList@qcsoftware.com (513) 469-1424
Web Site: http://www.qcsoftware.com
Contact Details: QC Software 11800 Conrey Rd. Suite 150 Cincinnati, OH 45249 513-469-1424
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